AmigaActive (182/2143)

From:Don Cox
Date:3 May 2000 at 09:19:04
Subject:Re: Basic or C

Hello Jonathan

On 02-May-00, Jonathan Drain wrote:
> From: Jules <>
>> What will be the inter-process commuication language on the new
> platform, or will
>> ARexx still have a place.
> I hope they still keep ARexx. It's handy for the kind of scripting and
> automating functions that the PC is sorely lacking.

ARexx as such is probably licensed for use only on the classic. But a
similar scripting language may appear.

However, the proper way to go is probably CORBA, which gives similar
access to program commands but for any language.

The problem on the PC is not the lack of a language but that the authors
of the software either write their own language for just one program
(Director for instance) or don't provide scripting at all. There are
Amiga programs without scripting too, by authors who should know better.

Do you know that you can write Java code in Rexx? Look up NetRexx.


Don Cox

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